Friday, March 21, 2008

First Release coming up...

After integrating a C# project called PownceMonkey, Trownce is now able to login and get a full list of posts. Posting should be complete soon, then a beta version will be released. After an initial release, the code will undergo a cleaning process and the source will be released. After this, a second version of the beta will be released that will allow Twitter access. Once this is integrated, the version will be bumped to 1.Oh.

Monday, March 10, 2008

You can always use another client.

Trownce is a Pownce client designed around Microsoft's .Net 3.5 library. Recently, there has a little confusion as to what exactly is going on with the libraries. There was Avalon, WPF, WPF/E, Silverlight, XAML and WinFX. To summarize it quickly, .Net 3.0 introduced WinFX, which was called later rolled up into the Windows Presentation Foundation set of classes. With .Net 3.0, windows released clusters of functionality and named that with short acronyms like WPF. WPF was a set of really useful tools for building UI's using XAML (The XML used for building Microsoft interfaces). All this while, there was a cross platform plugin developed to run these WinFX/WPF controls online, such as video and what not. This was called Avalon, which was renamed Silverlight when it went more public. The subset of controls which Silverlight uses is called WPF/E. So if you learn WPF, you have your foot in the door of Silverlight. This application was designed to showcase some of the very basic features of WPF and how it can be used with .Net 3.5 to interface with web applications.